Mar 10, 2025
2019-2020 Archived Catalog
DAST-117 Operative Techniques ICredits 6 / 2 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Division signature is required for registration; Program Eligibility Requirements; Placement into ENGL-100 (ACSR-100), completion of ELAP-120 with a 2.0, or completion of RDNG-030, ACLT-075 or ACLT-076. Co-requisite: Student must enroll in one section each of DAST-110 , DAST-111 , DAST-112 , DAST-113 , DAST-115 , DAST-116 , DAST-117C and DAST-117L . This course is an introduction to dental chairside procedures. Techniques of four-handed dentistry will be included along with dental equipment and instruments instrument processing routine restorative and cosmetic procedures and patient education.
Course Outcomes 1. Describe the design of a dental treatment room 2. List the types of dental equipment in a dental treatment room and their function 3. List the three types of dental delivery systems 4. Describe how to prepare a dental treatment room for patient treatment 5. Describe the positioning of the patient 6. Explain and demonstrate the positioning of the assistant and operator for treatment in any area of the oral cavity 7. Describe the operating zones of the dental team in the delivery of care 8. Identify the principles of motion economy and work simplification 9. Identify the classification of motions 10. Explain the basic concepts of four-handed dentistry 11. Explain the importance of instrument exchange in four-handed dentistry procedures 12. Describe various instrument grasps 13. Identify the basic types of instrument exchanges used at chairside 14. Explain and demonstrate the step-by-step procedure for common instrument exchange procedures 15. Describe and demonstrate how to maintain a fulcrum rest 16. Describe the application of topical and local anesthetic agents 17. List the topical anesthetic placement sites for all maxillary and mandibular teeth 18. Demonstrate the placement of a topical anesthetic agent before the injection of a local anesthetic agent 19. Identify the parts and characteristics of a local anesthetic carpule, needle, and syringe 20. Demonstrate the preparation, disposal, and care of an aspirating local anesthetic syringe 21. Demonstrate the hidden syringe transfer technique 22. Demonstrate the process of cleaning and disinfecting a treatment room 23. Demonstrate three methods of reducing dental unit waterline contamination 24. Demonstrate the process of precleaning contaminated dental instruments 25. Demonstrate the process of preparing instruments for sterilization in an autoclave, chemiclave, and dry heat sterilizer 26. Demonstrate steps necessary to effectively use the autoclave, chemiclave, and dry heat sterilizer 27. List the conditions of time and temperature necessary to effectively operate the above sterilizers 28. List the methods available to monitor and ensure that complete sterilization has been achieved 29. List the isolation techniques used to decrease moisture 30. Describe the use and placement of cotton rolls for isolation 31. Describe the use and placement of dry-angles 32. Differentiate between the use of an HVE system and a saliva ejector 33. Identify the armamentarium used with an HVE system 34. Describe and demonstrate the grasps and proper positioning of the dental assistant when using the high volume oral evacuator tip 35. Explain the basic rules for oral evacuator tip placement 36. Describe and demonstrate the placement of an evacuator tip for any given operative or surgical site 37. Describe and demonstrate the procedure used in complete mouth rinse 38. Describe and demonstrate the use of the AWS syringe in maintaining a clear operating field 39. Describe the routine care of the HVE system 40. Describe the dental dam and its use in moisture control 41. List the armamentarium for dental dam application and the function of each 42. Describe and demonstrate the step-by-step procedure.in dental dam isolation 43. Describe the three parts of a dental hand instrument 44. Describe the function and styles of preset trays and tubs in dentistry 45. Define and explain the application of color-coding 46. List instruments in and the functions of the basic setup 47. Describe the low-speed handpiece and its use in dentistry 48. Describe the attachments used on the low speed handpiece 49. Describe the high-speed handpiece and its use 50. Demonstrate the maintenance and sterilization of low and high-speed handpiece 51. List the parts of a bur 52. Identify the various shapes, sizes, types, and functions of carbide and diamond burs and other common rotary devices 53. Describe the new technology of dental instrumentation. Describe the process of cavity preparation 54. List the six classifications of Black’s cavity classification, and describe their locations 55. Describe the principles of cavity preparation 56. Describe the use for and demonstrate the assembly of the Tofflemire retainer, matrix band, and wedge 57. Describe other types of matrices, including those used for composite restorations 58. Identify and explain the phases of an amalgam procedure 59. Identify the armamentarium and materials used in the amalgam restorative procedure 60. Describe the function of basic instruments used in the amalgam procedure 61. Identify and explain the phases of a composite procedure 62. Identify the armamentarium and materials used in the composite restorative procedure 63. Describe the function of basic instruments used in the composite procedure 64. Describe an intraoral examination 65. Identify common abbreviations and symbols used in charting a dental examination 66. Demonstrate the use of common abbreviations and symbols during charting exercises from audio tapes, computer-based activities, and clinical oral examinations 67. Demonstrate the step-by-step procedure for obtaining diagnostic impressions 68. Identify and explain the phases of an oral prophylaxis 69. Identify the armamentarium and materials used for an oral prophylaxis 70. Describe the function of basic instruments used for a dental prophylaxis 71. Describe motivation skills needed in patient education 72. Demonstrate the step-by-step procedure of oral hygiene instructions in the clinical setting 73. Fabricate templates to be utilized for clinical practice of restorative procedures 74. Complete dental office visitations according to distributed guidelines 75. Produce a videotape of various chairside assisting aspects according to distributed criteria.