Mar 02, 2025  
2020-2021 Archived Catalog 
2020-2021 Archived Catalog

ANTH-211 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Credits 3 / 3 Contact Hours
Prerequisite: Placement into RDNG-016  (ACSR-016)
This course is an introduction to the field of anthropolgy with emphasis on cultural anthropology. Students will examine the role of society and culture in humankinds adaptation to a variety of environments with a goal towards a better understanding of human diversity. Topics include theory methods and practical application; subsistence economics and technology social organization (including kinship marriage and family; sex/gender race/ethnicity and social stratification and inequality); political organization (including systems of power and social control); lifecycles and rituals religion and belief systems; and the arts.

Course Outcomes
1. Describe the major disciplines of anthropology, their research goals and their applications into the real-world 2. Define the major concepts and principles of cultural anthropology 3. Describe the historical and theoretical development of cultural anthropology and its contributions to a holistic understanding of the human experience 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of cultural anthropology research including qualitative and quantitative methodologies and the ethical demands and dilemmas of research with human subjects 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the processes of enculturation and culture change within human societies 6. Describe the diversity of cultural systems utilized by people in adapting to their world, These would include but not be limited to understanding of gender/sex, ethnicity/race, language, subsistence, economics, technology, marriage and family, kinship and descent, social stratification and inequality, political organization and social control, religion and belief systems and the arts 7. Discuss controversial issues by integrating, analyzing and critically applying anthropological concepts and principles to cultural studies 8. Demonstrate a respect and recognition of the diversity of human experiences across cultures