Feb 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Archived Catalog 
2020-2021 Archived Catalog

Getting Started

Student Portal/Web Advisor Instructions


The MCC4Me portal is the starting point for all current students to access all online resources and communications, including WebAdvisor, WebMail, Blackboard, and communications from Student Services and Student Life. The MCC4Me portal will be unique for each student. You will receive communications and information meant directly for you. Watch for the new MCC4Me button in the near future.

WebAdvisor is accessible from any Internet connected computer.

Prospective Students and Guests may use WebAdvisor to search for class sections without a log-in or password. Current Students may access the many features of WebAdvisor by logging-in using their email sign-in and password.

Your WebAdvisor account is set up for you when you have completed the admissions steps and officially become an MCC student.

These headings and function links are available in the Student Menu:

User Account

I’m New to WebAdvisor
What’s my user ID?
Change Password
What’s my Password
**Emergency Notification**

Financial Information

Make a Payment
Account Summary by Term
View My Payment Plan Schedule
1098 Electronic Consent
View My 1098-T Forms

Financial Aid

Financial Aid status by Term
Financial Aid status by Year
Financial Aid Award Letter
Accept or reject my financial aid awards


My Documents
Admission Status


Search for Sections
Register for Sections
Register and Drop Sections

Academic Profile

Grade Point Average by Term
Test Summary
Transcript Request
Transcript Request Status
My Class Schedule
My Profile
Enrollment Verification

Help: If you need assistance using WebAdvisor check MCC Answer on the www.mcc.edu website or call (810) 762-0200.

Dropping/Adding Courses

After registering for classes, students may change their schedule by dropping and/or adding classes during the dates specified in the course schedule booklet or as listed on the Academic/Registration Calendar.

WebAdvisor is available for individual class drop and add prior to the start of the semester. For in-person transactions, students must list changes on a class schedule worksheet form and submit the form to the Registration Office, PCCLL15. Worksheets are available in the mcc.edu Form Center, the Registration Office PCCLL, the Counseling Center, PCC2030, the Advisement Center, PCC2040, Southern Lakes Branch Center - Fenton, Northern Tier Center - Clio, and Lapeer Extension Center.

The decision to drop or add a course is not official until the appropriate action has been taken. For in-person transactions, the date that the worksheet is filed is the date used to determine eligibility for a tuition refund.

Dropping a class during the semester is also referred to as Withdrawal from a course. This is the responsibility of the student. A student may withdraw from a class at any time prior to the 90% point of the semester or session. A withdrawal before the “Date of Record” means there is no record of enrollment. A withdrawal after the “Date of Record” but before the last week of the semester means a “W” grade. A “W” grade will be listed on the student’s grade report/transcript if the withdrawal occurs after the Date of Record as listed on the Academic/Registration Calendar.

Students must follow this procedure to officially discontinue enrollment in a particular course. To withdraw, a student must fill out the Class Schedule Worksheet form and file it with the Registration and Records Office.

Students who decide not to attend classes must drop these classes themselves. Classes are not automatically dropped for non-attendance.

To be eligible for a tuition refund classes must be dropped within the tuition refund dates, which are listed in the course schedule booklet and available on the MCC website.

Withdrawal from MCC

Students who withdraw from college may be required to see a counselor in the Counseling Center, PCC 2030. They should complete a class schedule worksheet form listing the classes from which they are withdrawing. Please see Drop-Add Guidelines for additional information.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition Information for Mott Community College Can be Found in the Class Schedule Booklets or on Our Website, www.mcc.edu

Residency Policy

Tuition rates vary depending upon where you live. Educational costs at Mott are shared by students, the taxpayers in the college district, and the State of Michigan. Property taxes paid by residents of the college district supplement student tuition and state aid for in-district status students. For that reason the in-district tuition charged legal residents of the Mott College District is the lowest rate and proof of residency is required to be eligible for the in-district resident tuition rate. There are three types of residency status: in-district, out-of-district and out-of state. Each type is charged different rates.


You are a Mott Community College District Resident (in-district) if you live within the boundaries of the Genesee Intermediate School District, except Maple Grove and Birch Run townships.

Permanent residency must be established 30 days prior to the beginning of classes.


You are a Michigan Resident (out-district) if your permanent residence is within Michigan but outside the Genesee Intermediate School District.

Permanent Residency must be established 30 days prior to the beginning of classes.


You are a Michigan Non-resident (out-of-state) if your permanent residence is outside the state of Michigan.

All foreign-born students planning to attend MCC on a VISA, or whose permanent residence is outside the state of Michigan, are considered non-residents regardless of their place of residence during college.

Change of Residency Classification

If your residency status changes when you update your address from out-of-district to in-district it is your responsibility to report this to the Records and Registration Office (PCCLL). You must provide proof of the residency change by providing a photo id with the change, current motor vehicle registration, property tax receipt for property tax within Mott College district, utility bill at in-district address, signed and dated rental or lease agreement showing address, dates of the lease, and signature/phone number of the landlord. Students who petition to change their residency classification to in-district status must submit proof of in-district residence for 30 days before the first day of a semester.

Fee Information

Fees are subject to change. Check current class schedule booklet.

Course Fee

Fees ranging from $1.75 to $500 will be charged for classes using specialized equipment or laboratory supplies.

Student Services Fee

A non-refundable registration and student service fee is charged each semester.

Technology Fee

A per contact hour fee will be charged for all courses.

Tuition Refund Policy

The schedule for the refund of tuition and fees is published in the class schedule calendar each semester and session.

Note: Students who withdraw from fall or winter semester classes after the second week of classes will not receive refunds. Students should be sure to check the Academic/Registration Calendar in the class schedule booklet for specific dates. Refund deadlines vary for each semester and session.

Tuition Appeals Policy

Students may request a Tuition Appeal due to extenuating circumstances such as military deployment, certain medical conditions, and/or family related reasons, including change in employment. Please see the Tuition Appeal Form (available online at www.mcc.edu) for further explanation and a listing of the appropriate documentation required to process your appeal.

Students receiving any type of Financial Aid, including loans, grants and scholarships, should be aware of their responsibility to immediately repay any unearned financial aid regardless of the outcome of a tuition appeal, including unearned financial aid refunds and bookstore charges. Rules and regulations governing Federal Financial Aid programs cannot be waived through a tuition appeal or under any other circumstances.

Veterans and Dependent Benefits

MCC has been recognized by the State Approving Agency as an institution qualified and equipped to furnish education at the collegiate level under the provisions of Public Law 89-358, “Veterans Readjustment Act of 1966.”

Veterans Standards of Progress Student Notification

Each veteran must be aware that he or she must notify the college immediately of any withdrawal or dropping of courses during a semester or session. Records are posted daily indicating the official date of a student withdrawal or drop. Students may initiate a course drop at any time prior to the 90% point of the semester or session. Withdrawal from or dropping of courses may affect the veteran’s eligibility for benefits.

Satisfactory Progress

A veteran, after attempting 12 credit hours or more with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of less than 2.0, will not be considered to be making satisfactory progress. The subsequent two (2) semesters or sessions will be the probation period. Failure to raise the GPA to a 2.0 during this period will result in certification being suspended. Written notification will be forwarded to Veterans Affairs and to the veteran.

A veteran who enrolls half-time or more and who fails or withdraws from all subjects will be considered to be making unsatisfactory progress (except where there are extenuating circumstances). Similar lack of progress during the probation period will result in certification being suspended.

A veteran who fails a course (receives a failing grade or a grade less than the lowest grade required for completion of the course for graduation) may repeat the course one time and receive veterans benefits if the institution requires satisfactory completion of the course as part of the major or minor or a core curriculum for graduation.

When a veteran has accumulated credits that would result in the granting of a degree to the veteran and for which the degree has been certified to Veterans Affairs during the period of attendance in the institution, the veteran will be considered as having met the degree requirements and further financial benefit will be terminated unless the veteran has not otherwise fulfilled graduation requirements. One additional term or semester will be authorized for the veteran to meet those graduation requirements. The concern on the part of the Veterans Affairs is that a student does not continually enroll at various institutions and accumulate college credit simply for the purpose of receiving benefits.

Probation Period

Veterans not meeting satisfactory standards of progress will be allowed two (2) semesters or sessions on probation. Continued unsatisfactory progress will result in certification being suspended and the veteran’s case being referred to the Veterans Affairs regional office for further review.

Note: Readmitted veterans who have been previously suspended will be referred to Veterans Affairs for reapproval of certification. Any questions regarding certification should be referred to the veterans clerk, Office of Records & Registration, PCCLL, (810) 762-0200.

War Orphan

If a student is the son, daughter, or a widow of a deceased (or disabled) veteran, he or she may be eligible for government assistance to attend college. Students should contact the Veterans Affairs Office for information at 1-888-442-4551.

In-State Tuition for Military Personnel and Dependents

This institution will adhere to the following policy for the purposes of establishing residency requirements in Michigan for certain active duty members of the armed forces of the United States, or these members’ spouses and dependent children:

  • An active duty member, spouse, or dependent child of such an active duty member, shall be considered a Michigan resident for tuition purposes if Michigan is that active duty member’s legal state of residence;
  • An active duty member, spouse, or dependent child of an active duty member, shall be considered a Michigan resident for tuition purposes while that active duty member is stationed in Michigan;
  • Once an active duty member, spouse, or dependent child of an active duty member has been determined to be a Michigan resident for tuition purposes, he or she shall retain that status as long as they are continuously enrolled in a degree program at a state institution.