Alternative Training
Health Sciences Division
Program Code: NAID4
Office: Curtice-Mott Complex CM2313
Phone: (810) 762-0317
The course, NAPP 123, is approved by the Michigan Department of Community Health. Students who complete this course are eligible to take the State Written/Oral Competency Test and the State Clinical Skills Test. Success in both tests results in placement in the Nurse Aide Registry. The course prepares individuals to provide basic nursing or nursing related services primarily to patients in extended care facilities.
Students interested in registering for the nurse aide program must have a State of Michigan and Federal criminal background check done and cleared before enrolling in the Mott Community College Nurse Aide Program. The cost of the criminal background check is the responsibility of the student.
Criminal Background Investigations & Drug Screens
Michigan law requires criminal background screening for individuals working in most health care settings and facilities. Students in the Nurse Aide program (NAPP-123) are affected by this law. Conviction of a criminal offense (felony or misdemeanor) may make a student ineligible to be assigned to a clinical site, making program completion and graduation unattainable.
A criminal background investigation is required to apply for the Nurse Aide program (NAPP-123). Informational packets may be obtained from the Division office (CM 2313) or from an advisor.
The packet provides instruction regarding the process to complete and submit the background investigation. Students will not be admitted to any health science program without a clear CBI.
In some cases, clinical sites may require students to complete additional background investigation and submit to drug screening procedures prior to or during the clinical experience. All background investigations and drug screenings are at the student’s expense.
Conviction of a criminal offense may also make graduates of health science program ineligible for state or national licensure/certification at program completion. All applicants for a health profession license in Michigan are required to submit fingerprints and undergo a criminal background investigation prior to licensure/certification.
Program coordinators, faculty, advisors, and staff cannot give legal advice to any student regarding potential eligibility/ineligibility based on prior convictions or negative findings on the criminal background investigation. The student should consult an attorney for questions specific to his/her individual case.