Mar 11, 2025
2016-2017 Archived Catalog
RTAD-134 Respiratory Clinical Practice ICredits 5 / 15 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Placement into ENGL-100 (ACSR-100) or successful completion of RDNG-030 , ACLT-075 or ACLT-076 Course Pre-requisite: RTAD-120 , RTAD-121 , RTAD-122 , RTAD-124 and RTAD-125 Co-requisite: RTAD-130 , RTAD-132 and RTAD-135 . Note: Division signature required for registration. An introduction to the policies and procedures of a respiratory care department and the equipment used in basic respiratory care of patients. Directed clinical practice includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation medical gas therapy aerosol and humidity therapy hyperinflation therapy chest physical therapy and airway care.