2016-2017 Archived Catalog
SOCW-135 Agency Experience-Social WorkCredits 1 / 1 Contact Hours Prerequisite: Placement into RDNG-016 (ACSR-016); SOCW-131 (effective through Spring 2016)
Prerequisite: Placement into RDNG-016 (ACSR-016); SOCW 131 , mimimum 2.0 (if not previously taken, must be taken concurrently), ENGL 101 , minimum 2.0 (if not previously taken, must be taken concurrently) (effective Summer 2016)
Entry level experience in a social agency prior to field work placement. Students will be placed in an agency as a volunteer for fifty hours. Placements are selected by the instructor. Students will be expected to be available during daytime hours to complete this placement.