Sep 11, 2024  
2024-2025 Current Catalog 
2024-2025 Current Catalog

PTA.-281 Transitions to the Clinical Setting

Credits 1 / 0.70 Contact Hours
Pre-requisite: Placement into ACRD-090, ACRD-091 or ACRD-092, completion of ELAP-110 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or successful completion of ACRD-080; PTA.-202, PTA.-210, PTA.-270 and PTA.-271.  Pre- or Co-Requisite: PTA.-205 and PTA.-212 or PTA.-204.
This course will provide a summary of workplace expected professional behaviors, skills review of therapeutic interventions and data collection techniques, professional resume and interview skills, communication and ethical principles, professional licensure registration process and legal implications in practice (jurisprudence exam).  A Mock licensing exam and review of performance will be part of this course.

Course Outcomes
Clinical Preparation:

1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the clinical forms required for PTA 280 and PTA 290
2. The student will demonstrate understanding of the use of both printed and electronic copies of the CPI (Clinical Performance Instrument) for self evaluation and CI evaluation of student
3. The student will participate in classroom discussion of student/CI communication strategies and mini scenarios

Capstone Review:

1. The student will demonstrate knowledge and performance of the following clinical skills via review stations and case study practice:
a. Interventions-
i. Functional training including activities of daily living including, body mechanics, mat activities, and transfer activities
ii. Gait training:
Fitting of assistive devices (walker, axillary crutches, cane)
Basic gait patterns (standard and modified 3 point)
Demonstrate safe technique and progression
Describe the safety, status, and progression of patients while engaged in gait
iii. Infection control procedures including universal precautions, isolation techniques and sterile technique
iv. Manual therapy techniques including PROM and therapeutic massage
v. Physical agents and mechanical agents including athermal agents, cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, superficial and deep thermal agents
vi. Therapeutic exercise including aerobic conditioning, breathing exercise and coughing technique, conditioning and reconditioning, posture awareness training, ROM exercises for spine and upper extremity, stretching exercises for spine and upper extremity, strengthening exercises for spine and upper extremity
vii. Wound management including application and removal of dressing or agents, including precautions
b. Data Collection -
i. Measurement of standard vital signs
ii. Measurement of height, weight, length and girth
iii. Describe the safety, status, and progression of patients during gait
iv. Recognizes absent or altered sensation
v. Recognizes normal and abnormal integumentary changes
vi. Recognizes activities, positioning and postures that aggravate or relieve pain or altered sensations.
vii. Recognizes viable vs. nonviable tissue
viii. Recognizes normal and abnormal joint movement
ix. Measures muscle strength by MMT
x. Observe the presence or absence of muscle mass
xi. Recognizes normal and abnormal muscle length for spine and upper extremity
xii. Administers standardized questionnaire, graphs, behavioral scales or visual analog scales for pain
xiii. Describes resting posture in any position
xiv. Recognizes alignment of trunk and extremities at rest and during activities
xv. Measures functional and goniometric ROM
xvi. Recognizes cyanosis
xvii. Recognizes activities that aggravate or relieve edema, pain, dyspnea or other symptoms
xviii. Documents sputum characteristics

Professional Behaviors:
1. The student will be able to demonstrate understanding of the following professional behavior expectations:
a. conduct that reflects a commitment to meet the expectations of members of society receiving health care services.
i. Maintains patient privacy and modesty
ii. Maintains confidentiality
b. conduct that reflects a commitment to meet the expectations of members of the profession of physical therapy.
i. Interacts professionally with others.
ii. Accepts constructive criticism
iii. Modifies behavior based on self-evaluation and constructive criticism
iv. Conducts self in a responsible manner.
v. Punctual and dependable
vi. Follows facility policies and procedures
vii. Demonstrates initiative
viii. Adapts to change
2. The student will be able to analyze personal professional behaviors and identify areas needing greater awareness or improvement.

Licensure and Jurisprudence Process:
1. The student will demonstrate understanding of licensure registration process and timeline.
2. The student will review for and be able to complete the state level jurisprudence module.
3. The student will be able to successfully register for the licensure examination.
4. The student will have initial exposure to the licensing exam format and question types via an at home mock licensing exam.

Ethical Conduct :
1. The student will be able to recognize and analyze ethical situations when present, and utilize the RIPS model to help with decision making when faced with an ethical situation.

1. The student will describe means of communication verbally and non-verbally with the patient, the physical therapist, health care delivery personnel, and others in an effective, appropriate, and capable manner.
2. The student will apply effective communication via case studies in the lab using motivational interviewing, and problem solving rubric.

Professional Portfolio:
1. The student will be able to maintain a professional portfolio as per program requirements in preparation for full time transition to the clinical setting.