2024-2025 Current Catalog
FILM-181 Introduction to FilmCredits 3 / 3 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Placement into ACRD-090, ACRD-091 or ACRD-092, completion of ELAP-110 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or successful completion of ACRD-080; Placement into ENGL-101 or satisfactory completion of ENGL-099 with a course grade of “S”. A survey of film history and production introducing tudents to films from a spectrum of styles genres historical perios and national cultures. The primary methodology of the course is to break fims down into their component features–i.e. narrative miseen-scene lighting cinematography editing and sound.
Course Outcomes 1. Identify and explain the sequence and type of shots in a scene
2. Explain the difference and characteristics of specific film genre, documentaries, experimental films and animated films
3. Identify and provide examples of style and film form across history
4. Describe the influence of mise-en-scene, lighting, cinematography, editing and sound in establishing the overall sense of a film