Mar 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Current Catalog 
2024-2025 Current Catalog

ENGL-205 Creative Writing

Credits 3 / 3 Contact Hours
Pre-requisite: Placement into ACRD-090, ACRD-091 or ACRD-092, completion of ELAP-110 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or successful completion of ACRD-080; Successful completion of ENGL-101  or ENGL-103  with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
The study and practice of the techniques of imaginative writing. Emphasis on writing poetry and fiction with attention to character conflict specificity theme atmosphere point of view dialogue imagery and symbolism.

Course Outcomes
The course will:

Provide students with exposure to a variety of genres, authors and styles through reading, discussion and analysis.

The student will:

Demonstrate understanding of the differences in literary genres and writing styles through discussion and written analysis of a variety of selections from various genres and authors.

The course will:

Provide guidance for experimenting with a variety of writing genres, including but not limited to the short story, poetry, personal essay and drama.

The student will:

Demonstrate ability to imitate a variety of literary genres and writing styles by writing imitative or genre-constrained pieces.

The course will:

Provide comprehensive overviews of the complexities, nuances, and standard requirements in a variety of writing genres.

The student will:

Demonstrate understanding of the conventions of the various literary genre-such as plot, setting, characterization, theme, stage direction, dialogue, dialect, description, narration, point of view-through discussion, meta-commentary, and application in writing.

Demonstrate understanding of basic elements of poetry-such as language, detail, voice, tone, literal and figurative imagery, rhythm, structure, and theme-through discussion, meta-commentary, and application in writing.

The course will:

Require use of the writing process of multiple drafts, revision, editing and response in composing creative works.

The student will:

Practice critical skills by giving and receiving criticism of own and others’ writings. Effectively and appropriately participate in the process of literary critique through participation in peer response groups, teacher conferences, and written self- reflections.

Demonstrate an understanding of the culling process and the use of portfolios through self-selection activities in which a minimum of eight pieces of writing will be selected for revision, revised, and included in a portfolio.

Participate in the publication process by composing three cover letters and one query to accompany or precede pieces students submit for publication and/or contests. Students may also be asked to self-publish (as part of a school/class publication, on a web page) at least one piece of their writing.