2024-2025 Current Catalog
DHYG-180L Pain Management LabCredits 0 / 2 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Program Eligibility Requirements; Coordinator’s signature required to register in this course; Placement into College Level Reading, completion of ELAP-120 with a 2.0 or higher, or successful completion of ACRD-090, ACRD-091 or ACRD-092. Co-requisite: DHYG-180 This course will provide the student with basic current concepts of local anesthetic and pain control for the safe and effective administration of local anesthetics and nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation. This course will prepare candidates for the NERB examination for local anesthesia and nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation certification.
Course Outcomes Local Anesthesia
• Define pain • List the functions of pain • Define and explain pain perception • Define and explain pain reaction threshold Define and explain pain threshold • List the factors that affect the pain reaction threshold Explain the sensory pathway of pain perception and reaction Discuss the Gate Control theory • Describe the physiological process of pain perception and nerve conduction • Discuss methods of pain control • Describe the anatomy of a neuron • Describe the physiology of nerve conduction • Explain how local anesthetics work to block nerve conduction Name and describe the major divisions of the trigeminal nerve Given the name of each of the divisions of the trigeminal nerve, name and describe the branch of that division and the structures they supply • Describe the location of the anatomical landmarks and relate their significance to major dental anesthetic injections • Name and describe the location and function of the four muscles of mastication • Name the vessels in close proximity to the injection sites Name and describe the properties of an ideal local anesthetic Describe the changes in nerve conduction resulting from the administration of local anesthetics • Discuss the effect pH has on ionization of local anesthetics Describe the chemical classes of local anesthetics • Given the name of a local anesthetic, describe the classification, onset of action, duration, metabolism and excretion • Calculate maximum safe doses of local anesthetics Discuss the pharmacology of vasoconstrictors • Relate the basic chemical properties of vasoconstrictors with clinical application of local anesthetics • List the reasons for the use of vasoconstrictors in local anesthetic agents • List the vasoconstrictors that are available in local anesthetic solutions • Describe the effects of vasoconstrictors on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system • List the normal concentration of specific local anesthetic agents and the dilution of vasoconstrictors • List the most common local complications associated with the administration of local anesthetics • List the systemic complications associated with local anesthesia Classify a patient using the ASA classification system • Classify adverse drug reactions • Describe predisposing factors and causes of adverse drug reactions • Describe drug factors and how they influence local anesthesia Describe the manner of preventing, recognizing and managing local and systemic complications • Discuss infection control procedures relevant to preparation, administration and breakdown of local anesthesia and the necessary equipment • Identify indications and contraindications for specific local anesthetic injections • Administer local anesthesia safely and effectively
Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Analgesia
• Describe the development of analgesia/inhalation sedation Define and differentiate the indications and contraindications for inhalation analgesia • Define the aspect of nitrous oxide/oxygen to respiratory physiology • Define the gas laws related to the administration of nitrous oxide/oxygen • Describe the utilization of the fail-safe type of machines List the components of nitrous oxide/oxygen delivery and scavenger systems • Describe titration of nitrous oxide/oxygen gases Demonstrate proficiency in the use of nitrous oxide/oxygen delivery equipment • List contraindications of the use of nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia • Recognize adverse reactions and implement appropriate actions Describe prevention and management of nitrous oxide medical emergencies • Administer nitrous oxide/oxygen to produce a relative state of • analgesia and return the patient to pre administration status