Feb 13, 2025
2024-2025 Current Catalog
RTAD-130 Respiratory TechniquesCredits 3 / 3 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Placement into College Level Reading, completion of ELAP-120 with a 2.0 or higher, or successful completion of ACRD-090, ACRD-091 or ACRD-092; RTAD-120 , RTAD-121 , RTAD-122 , RTAD-124 and RTAD-125 Note: Division signature required. Pre- or Co-requisite: RTAD-132 , RTAD-134 and RTAD-135 Provides concepts of therapeutic procedures and equipment used in fundamental respiratory care. Includes incentive spirometry intermittent positive pressure breathing non-invasive ventilating chest physical therapy bronchial hygiene techniques airway care and an introduction to mechanical ventilation.
Course Outcomes 1. Identify the concepts related to the administration of hyperinflation therapies (incentive spirometry and intermittent positive pressure breathing) 2. Explain the concepts related to the administration of chest physical therapy 3. Explain the concepts related to the administration of airway care 4. Explain the concepts related to the administration of mechanical ventilation 5. Explain the classification system used for mechanical ventilation 6. Explain the sage and appropriate application of specific volume ventilators 7. Explain the principles related to the safe administration of respiratory care pharmacological agents