Sep 14, 2024  
2024-2025 Current Catalog 
2024-2025 Current Catalog

ECED-105 School Age Development and Education

Credits 3 / 3 Contact Hours
Pre-requisite: Placement into ACRD-090, ACRD-091 or ACRD-092, completion of ELAP-110 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or successful completion of ACRD-080. Students must have current Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry (CA/NR) clearance or LARA eligibility letter obtained from the Michigan Department of Human Services to be presented in the first class. A copy must be on file in the Fine Arts/Social Sciences Office, MMB 2005. Students must meet all state licensing health requirements prior to start of their lab experience.  Must have transportation to/from lab worksite. Co-Requisite: ECED 105L  
This course is designed to develop an understanding of the physical intellectual social and emotional development of the child ages 5-9. The influence of the culture the family the school and the peer group upon the developing school age child is considered.

Course Outcomes

  1. Establish an appropriate learning environment for school age children through an understanding of their developmental needs

Learning Objectives

  1. Learner will distinguish normal growth patterns of the school age child
  2. Learner will interpret the developing physical capabilities and limitations of the school age child
  3. Learner will analyze the changing ability of school age children to postpone gratification or wait for rewards
  4. Learner will define what is meant by mastery and what is meant by achievement
  5. Learner will identify how school age children gain a sense of mastery and achievement
  6. Learner will define metacognition and its influence on student learning
  7. Learner will analyze characteristics of children who feel that they control their success
  8. Learner compares intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as means of encouraging life-long learning in school age children
  9. Learner will identify factors that develop persistence and positive self-images in school age children
  10. Learner explores sources for pressure and anxiety during the school years
  11. Learner will analyze effects play can have on the school age child’s sense of self
  12. Learner will compare the changing aspects of emotional maturity during the school age years
  13. Learner will analyze interviews of moral development of school age children according to Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
  14. Learner will analyze interviews of school age perceptions of peer relationships
  15. Learner compares Gardner’s seven multiple intelligences areas and Sternberg’s three components of intelligence
  16. Learner will compare Gardner’s and Sternberg’s intelligence theories to use of traditional psychometric intelligence tests
  17. Learner will acquaint themselves with the developing language competencies of the school age child
  18. Learner will investigate aspects of the influential role of television on children, families, and society

Competence will be demonstrated by:

  • Written assignments
  • Oral demonstration
  • Small group work
  1. Analyze developmentally appropriate decisions leading to optimal growth of 6-11 year olds

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learner will describe experiences that help develop a sense of initiative for early school age children
  2. Learner will apply met cognitive strategies (PQ4R, outlining, visual imagery, mnemonics) and explore their value in improving student learning
  3. Learner will differentiate between physical games and activities that instill lifelong health-promoting habits for school age children, and those that do not
  4. Learner will analyze the effects of competition and cooperation on school age children
  5. Learner will compare self-esteem and self-efficacy and explore the effects of a child’s learning experiences on each
  6. Learner will describe how learning experiences can affect a child’s sense of industry
  7. Learner analyzes the influences television can have on school age children
  8. Learner list developmentally appropriate ways to help children cope with stress
  9. Learner applies the intelligence theories of Gardner and Sternberg in lesson planning
  10. Learner plans appropriate activities to enhance literacy development of the school age child
  11. Learner will design activities that develop language competencies in school age children

Competence will be meant by:

  • Oral presentations
  • Written assignments
  • Small group work
  • Lesson plan activities
  1. Communicate effectively and work cooperatively with others involved in care of the child

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learner will describe the need for and nature of quality care for school age children before and after school
  2. Learner will debate issues surrounding the benefits and pitfalls of before and after school programs
  3. Learner will analyze community resources that can be used for improvement of before and after school programs
  4. Learner will develop a plan for working with volunteers in before and after school programs
  5. Learner will practice appropriate communication skills with parents and children of school age settings in role play simulations
  6. Learner will describe and classify school age children’s behaviors and thought patterns, using developmental terms
  7. Learner  will compare potential outcomes to methods of communicating in typical case scenarios
  8. Learner will distinguish appropriate ways to communicate with caregivers and staff
  9. Learner will compare considerations regarding communication in multicultural or other settings that propose barriers to communication
  10. Learner will recommend strategies for enhancing communication with limited English speaking students, the hearing or visually impaired, or others experiencing language barriers

Competence will be meant by:

  • Oral demonstrations
  • Written assignments
  • Small group work
  • Lesson plans