Mar 06, 2025  
2021-2022 Archived Catalog 
2021-2022 Archived Catalog

COMG-154 Intermediate Practical Computer Skills

Credits 3 / 3 Contact Hours
Pre-requisite: Placement into ACRD 080 COMG-153  
A second semester of computer skills emphasizing practical business applications. Students will use software in all of the basic productivity categories to produce documents and accomplish tasks that are important in the workplace.

Course Outcomes
1. Use additional word processing software to calculate more advanced data 2. Use advanced features of presentation graphics software 3. Use advanced features of database software 4. Achieve additional expertise in the use of the Internet and e-mail 5. Create digital effects using drawing software, scanning, digital camera, etc. 6. Familiarize oneself with computer concepts and vocabulary 7. Describe new computer equipment and peripherals