Mar 13, 2025
2021-2022 Archived Catalog
CHEM-238 Organic Chemistry IICredits 5 / 3 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Placement into ACRD-090, ACRD-091 or ACRD-092, completion of ELAP-110 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or successful completion of ACRD-080; CHEM-237 Note: This course requires chemical splashproof goggles and lab coat on the first day of class. Co-requisite: CHEM-238L and CHEM-238R The second semester of basic principles of organic chemistry with emphasis on structural theory stereochemistry reaction mechanisms spectroscopy and organic synthesis.
Course Outcomes 1. To provide a comprehensive study of basic organic chemistry with emphasis on modern aspects of structural theory, reaction mechanism, synthesis, stereochemistry and spectral analysis 2. To provide student with a practical background in the theory and technique of organic synthesis and analysis 3. To develop incentive for individual creative action in the laboratory by encouraging the student to use his own judgement in carrying out the details of his projects 4. To give student a solid foundation required for further study in organic chemistry or biochemistry 5. To develop an appreciation, awareness and a concern for the vital role which organic chemistry plays in today’s society and to show the importance of organic chemistry in fields involving agriculture, drugs, environmental control, household products, life processes, polymerization etc.