Sep 17, 2024  
2021-2022 Archived Catalog 
2021-2022 Archived Catalog

PHOT-183 Intro to Commercial Studio Photography

Credits 4 / 4 Contact Hours
Pre-requisite: Placement into ACRD 080 PHOT-180  with a minimum 2.0
Students will learn to utilize umbrellas box light mixed lighting filtration flags and other light modulating tools. Students will also use professional electronic strobe and tungsten lighting equipment and apply professional metering techniques. Commercial subjects include products people and architecture.

Course Outcomes
1. Use of hand held meters 2. Use of various camera formats 3. Scanning/printing black and white negatives and color transparencies 4. Set up, care, and use of studio flash 5. Use of Photoshop tools and techniques 6. Basic Zone System techniques 7. Selection of appropriate camera format to solve specific visual communication problems 8. Focal length and control of perspective 9. Use of view camera swings, tilts, shifts to control, plane of focus, depth of field and convergence 10. The use of various pieces of studio equipment to solve typical photo related problems 11. Visualization of scene to be photographed in terms of 10 zones of gray (Zone System Application) 12. Use of hot lights in studio lighting 13. Film exposure and processing 14. Traditional black and white printing 15. Scanning and printing black and white negatives and color transparencies 16. Print and transparency presentation 17. Identify characteristics of the “Fine Art Print” 18. Practice converting written commercial concepts into visual images