Mar 13, 2025  
2020-2021 Archived Catalog 
2020-2021 Archived Catalog

ART.-100 Early Childhood Art Education

Credits 3 / 4 Contact Hours
Pre-requisite: Placement into RDNG 030 (ACSR-030), completion of ELAP 110 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or successful completion of RDNG 016 or ACLT 074​ with a minimum grade of 3.0. Student must provide pencil scissors glue or gluestick and 3-ring binder.
Students will learn how to organize creative art activities in an early childhood setting; the philosophy of art education; motivation guidance and evaluation of child art; the normal growth pattern of child art; the functions of art in society. Design sensitivity and personal creativity are stimulated through laboratory experiences.

Course Outcomes
1. Student will have attained basic art makings kills and techniques to support teaching art in a K-12 setting, early childhood program, or community art center 2. Students will apply design principles to the artwork the create 3. Students will be familiar with the general history and philosophical basis of early childhood art education practice 4. Students will have developed a definition for themselves of what art is and how it functions in society 5. Students will demonstrate an understanding of early childhood art education methods 6. Students will demonstrate their ability to plan an early childhood art experience 7. Students will be aware of educational and cultural resources in their community 8. Students will develop a process of generating early childhood art lesson plans ideas through a variety of means, including research 9. Students will have developed the verbal skills needed to communicate critical ideas about early childhood art education using field-related vocabulary 10. Students will be able to organize their ideas and communicate through written language 11. Students will demonstrate a work ethic consistent with the demands of becoming an artist and/or educator