Mar 14, 2025
2019-2020 Archived Catalog
GERM-211 Intermediate German ICredits 4 / 4 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Placement into RDNG-030 (ACSR-030), completion of ELAP-110 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or successful completion of RDNG-016 or ACLT-074 with a minimum grade of 3.0. Pre-requisite: GERM-112 This course covers grammar review conversation and composition. Readings in the history culture and literature of Germany and German speaking areas.
Course Outcomes • Converse in a clearly participatory fashion by initiating, sustaining, and bringing to closure a variety of communicative tasks in the target language. • Write predominantly descriptive and narrative texts of a few paragraphs in length on familiar topics demonstrating the ability to integrate grammar, vocabulary, style, content, and organization in the target language. • Demonstrate an acute awareness of the cultural meaning of language. • Narrate stories and situate events in time in the target language. • Read short stories in the target language. • Integrate common expressions in conversation in the target language. • Talk about the future and express future conditions in the target language. • Talk about current world issues in the target language. • Express opinions, probability, and doubt using the subjunctive in the target language. • Debate issues and justify opinions with arguments in the target language. • Write an argumentative letter in the target language. • Talk about feelings and emotions using target grammatical structures such as reflexive verbs in the target language. • Give advice using advanced grammatical structures using the target language. • Develop new insights into the nature of language and culture that will allow them to establish comparisons not only between languages, but also between the Hispanic cultures and their own.