Mar 11, 2025
2019-2020 Archived Catalog
DAST-127 Dental Business PracticesCredits 2 / 2 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Placement into ENGL-100 (ACSR-100), completion of ELAP-120 with a 2.0, or completion of RDNG-030, ACLT-075 or ACLT-076. Co-requisite: DAST-120 , DAST-121 , DAST-122 , DAST-123 , DAST-124 , DAST-125 , DAST-126 and DHDA-114 Note: Division signature is required for registration. An introduction to dental office management practices which includes scheduling and billing. Employability opportunities, computer skills, interviewing techniques, and preparing a resume and cover letter will be included.
Course Outcomes 1. Define their role as an Administrative Dental Assistant 2.Demonstrate elements of the communication process 3. Demonstrate correct dental office telephone techniques 4. Identify and discuss two correct letter & writing styles for dental office written correspondence 5. Discuss humanistic theories -how they relate to dental office patient relations 6. Discuss dental healthcare team communications - specifically organizational conflict and staff meetings 7. Complete exercises in the computerized management of clinical records 8. Identify solutions to common scheduling situations 9. Discuss factors to consider in appointment control 10. Complete computerized exercises on appointment scheduling 11. Review 3 types of patient recall systems 12. Identify different types of dental insurance 13. Identify ADA insurance coding (CDT) 14. Complete computer generated insurance claim forms. 15. Review inventory management systems 16. Demonstrate 5 steps when making collection calls 17. Identify the steps in designing dental office financial policies 18. Identify and discuss account receivable bookkeeping systems 10. Identify and discuss account payable bookkeeping systems 20. Discuss dental business office equipment 21. Demonstrate the use of a dental office practice management software program 22. Complete 3 literature review cards on practice management/ marketing articles using the www 23. Demonstrate and complete steps necessary to generate insurance claim forms using dental program software 24. Discuss and list career opportunities for Administrative Dental Assistants 25. Describe the types of practices and “other” dental employment opportunities where the business assistant might seek employment 26. Describe the steps in preparing for employment 27. Describe the steps in preparing for an interview 28. Be familiar with terms relating to employment 29. Produce a quality resume 30. Prepare a quality cover letter 31. Complete and assess computerized pre/post examinations 32. Use of graphical user interface 33. Use of word processing skills 34. Use of presentation software 35. Use of e-mail to send and receive messages electronically 36. Use of on-line research tool utilizing the internet 37. Define HIPPA 38. Discuss HIPPA privacy regulations and how it relates to electronic dental records