Feb 02, 2025
2018-2019 Archived Catalog
BIOL-152 Human Anatomy and Physiology IICredits 4 / 3 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Pre-requisite: Placement into RDNG-030 (ACSR-030) or successful completion of RDNG-016 or ACLT-074 with a
minimum grade of 3.0. Pre-requisite: BIOL 151 with a 2.0 miniumum grade. Student must take one section of BIOL-152L . The second-level course continuing the study of the structure and function of human systems including circulatory respiratory urinary digestive lymphatic and reproductive. The autonomic and endocrine control of these systems and the immunity system will also be discussed. Lab work includes microscopic study anatomy of both fresh and preserved organs the examination of organ system models and student participation in physiologic experiments.
Course Outcomes 1. Explain the characteristics and functions of the components of blood. Identify the stages involved with blood clotting and factors which promote and inhibit hemostasis. Explain the ABO and Rh blood grouping 2. Describe the components of the lymphatic system and explain their functions. Discuss nonspecific resistances to disease. Define immunity and discuss the cell types involved with the immune system. Explain the characteristics of cell-mediated immunity and antibody-mediated immunity 3. Describe the structure and function of the heart. Identify the components of the conduction system and trace the activation of the heart. Relate the electrical activity of the EKG to the mechanical activity of cardiac muscle 4. Explain the timing and events of the cardiac cycle. Explain the factors involved in control of strike volume and heart rate. Discuss the regulation of cardiac output 5. Describe the structure and function of arteries and veins. Identify the major arteries and veins of the human body. Describe the structure and function of the different types of capillary beds. Outline the factors involved in capillary dynamics and explain the significance of each 6. Define blood pressure, blood flow, and resistance, and explain the relationships between these factors. Discuss the factors that influence blood pressure and describe how blood pressure is regulated 7. Describe the specialized circulatory systems of the brain, skeletal muscle, skin, lungs, heart, kidneys, and liver. Identify the special functions of these circulatory systems 8. Identify the respiratory passageways of the conducting and respiratory zones. Describe the structure and function of the lungs and pleural membranes. Explain the physical factors that influence pulmonary ventilation. Identify the various lung volumes and capacities and discuss pulmonary function tests 9. Discuss the differences in atmospheric and alveolar air and relate Dalton’s law and Henry’s law to events of external and internal respiration. Discuss the transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood 10. Discuss the neural control of ventilation. Explain the factors that influence the ventilatory rate and volume. Compare and contrast hyperpnea of exercise with hyperventilation 11. Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of the kidney and other organs of the urinary system. Explain the physiology of urine formation in the nephron. Discuss the use of clearance in evaluation of kidney function 12. Explain the fluid compartments of the body and their general electrolyte composition. Discuss the role of antidiuretic hormone, aldosterone, and atrial natriuretic hormone in sodium and water balance. Identify the buffers associated with pH homeostasis and discuss the physiology of acid-base balance 13. Discuss the gross and microscopic structure of organs of the digestive system. Describe the mechanisms of mastication and deglutition. Explain the control of gastric secretion and motility in the stomach. Explain the role of the pancreas and activity of the small intestine. List the major functions of the large intestine and describe the control of intestinal motility. Discuss the major enzymes involved with chemical digestion 14. Discuss the role of nutrients in the body and review metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Discuss the role of the liver in metabolism and compare absorptive and postabsorptive states. Explain the mechanisms of heat exchange and discuss the regulation of body temperature 15. Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of the male and female reproductive system. Discuss spermatogenesis and the hormonal regulation of testicular function. Discuss oogenesis and the hormonal regulation of ovarian and uterine function. Explain sexually transmitted diseases and birth control methods 16. Explain the process of fertilization and changes within the uterus with pregnancy. Discuss the hormone involved with maintaining pregnancy, labor, and lactation. Describe the major events of embryonic and fetal development 17. Differentiate between genotype and phenotype and explain dominant-recessive alleles and the inheritance of sex. Discuss incomplete dominance, codominance, and sex linked inheritance. Describe factors that lead to genetic variability. Explain the role of prenatal diagnostic tests in monitoring embryonic and fetal development.