2018-2019 Archived Catalog
SLIE-240 Interpreting and Transliterating ICredits 3 / 4 Contact Hours Pre-requisite: Placement into ENGL-100 (ACSR-100), completion of ELAP-120 with a 2.0, or completion of RDNG-030 , ACLT-075 or ACLT-076 ; SLIE 204 with a minimum grade 3.0 SLIE 215 with a minimum grade 3.0 SLIE 220 with a minimum grade 3.0. MCC ASLRI Score of at least 2.75.
Information and knowledge gathered in prerequisite classes will be utilized to begin interpreting and translitering voice to sign. Role play situations assist in rehearsing the ethics interpersonal skills and proper protocol of the interpreter.
Course Outcomes 1. Students will gain knowledge about the process of interpreting and transliterating from English to appropriate target language or mode and apply that knowledge to classroom activities and evaluated hands-on performance tasks 2. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply such background knowledge as consumer perspectives and needs, the role(s) of the interpreter, and cultural adjustment issues to hypothetical and simulated interpreting situations through classroom dialogue, quizzes and activities/performance opportunities 3. Students will study common challenges of interpreting and transliterating and develop strategies for successfully navigating the challenges through focuses analysis of language features that give rise to specific interpreting and transliterating strategies 4. Students will demonstrate ASL and transliterated English development by practicing appropriate language prosody, conceptual accuracy, appropriate register choices, idiomatic and grammatical ASL language production, and focus on the similarities and differences inherent in ASL interpretation versus transliterated English sign. 6. Students will demonstrate professional interpreting skills such as teaming and asking for clarification, and appropriate dress. Students will analyze taped performance activities and provide written critique of their performance based on course goals